Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I was running a marathon!!!

Not literally silly!!

Ever since I had quit my job of 18 years, I had every finger in every pie. I was not bored for a day. I had so very much to do...the boys, poised precariously at the brink of CBSE exams, were coming in to study; two little ones were also coming in to study French; the French books that my friends and I had written needed editing; and I had also taken up a mammoth task of teaching spoken English to a very enthusiastic but immensely inhibited group of 26 under privileged children!!!

I had absolutely no time to waste...I was very busy and I felt so important!!! Then it all happened suddenly!! I went for a perfectly "fashionable" health check-up.....and lo and behold I was detected with Breast Cancer!!

Only if the doctors knew that they spoke total gibberish!! What on earth were they trying to tell me? Breast Cancer? Me? What utter nonsense!!! My time was not up yet! They were just after my money!!! They were so incompetent with their work!!......I was in a whirlpool of indignant thoughts.

One test lead to another and opened up a Pandorus Box...it was an extremely aggressive strain which normally explodes in the body! I was on the operating table in three days time and before I could count ten my beautiful, organised and comfortable world had undergone a tornado.

Somebody jerk me out of this nightmare, I implore you!!

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