Friday, October 22, 2010


That is Artemis…she was Apollo’s sister. Being “gay” is “in” and I have a love affair going with her. I am talking about the hospital “Artemis” in Gurgaon.

When I was first referred to Dr Siddharth Sahni, an onco-surgeon, I walked into the Artemis Hospital because I had no choice. I was in pursuit of Dr Sahni. That was the beginning of my affair with Artemis.

I was there everyday and every where. I romanced with her in the OPD rooms, Phlebotomy, Ultra Sound, Mammography rooms. I was in her basement, in the PET scan chamber, in the IPD rooms. The OTs, the Chemo Therapy Centre, The Radiation Therapy chambers, the ICU floors, the various desks, and the toilets at every corner….I know them all, have seen them all in their best and their unkempt states. I bared my body to her and she hid nothing from me!

Our familiarity and love blossomed. I know most of the members of her family …the terrific doctors, the wonderful male and female nurses, the young technicians in every room and the various other staff members. Artemis, too, greets Pradipta as a dear family member.

Every day that I trudge or glide into Artemis, I receive a big welcome smile from everyone that I encounter. The gateman sings “Good Morning Madam” with such exuberance that I feel that, that is the one magical morning that I have been waiting for all my life! The young boys and girls at the desks wear big smiles and never fail to enquire how one is feeling. The nurses wave and smile with twinkling eyes as if to say, “Yippee, let’s have fun!!” And finally when I meet the doctor, he/she has a huge grin to say, “Hey, what is your worry? I am here!!” Try as he might, to be grouchy and sad and morbid, even the skeleton with the cross bow at his mouth would be unable to resist a smile!!!

I was instilled with a phobia that big hospitals fleece you mercilessly till you drop down penniless. I haven’t felt that way at Artemis so far…but after all, we have been lovers for only the last nine months. Do you remember my precious Herceptin that I need to take once every three weeks? Well it comes in 400 mgs packs and I need only 350mgs of it. The chemo therapy centre stashes away the remaining bit of the drug with my name on it so that I can use it during my following chemo session. Pradipta and I danced a jig when we paid zilch during my last session. The left-over drug had accumulated to meet my required dosage!! You do understand why I wanted to give a long passionate kiss to sweet Artemis?

Her culinary skills are pretty pathetic, but other than that my Artemis is young, beautiful, efficient, loving and always holds my hand as is her motto. Commitment is boring and passé. Hence I am convinced that we should not be together for too long. Yet, considering the circumstances, I am glad to have met her, to be with her. God bless dear Artemis!!


  1. I so love your positive spirit, there are 2 kinds of people, those whose glasses are half full and those whose are half empty. The 3rd kind like you have glasses forever brimming over, you are a girl after my own heart.
    By the way missy, all this love affair with Artemis and flirting with the good looking doctors, remember 10 December 1982 was a special day for you and for me? You should have a party at Artemis this year.

  2. Oh no!no! No! Cannot have Artemis oggling during my romantic moments!! Though I must tell you, every day is a 10th December for me!!!:-))) Thanx for reading my blogs!
