Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Dr Ranga Rao has heard me blow my trumpet about a million times. To shut me up he says that he will get in touch with the Limca Book of Records!!

You see, 24 hours after every chemo therapy I need to take Neupogen injections for eight consecutive days to increase my blood count. In spite of my disastrous weakness, I used to have to go to a nearby hospital every single day only to have the injection administered. It used to kill me. On one such day while the nurse was giving me the injection, she mentioned that one could also administer it oneself. That did it!

The next time that I went in for chemo therapy, I asked dear sister Raji to teach me. By the time I staggered back home, I was convinced that I would administer it myself. Pradipta did not want to argue as I was so unwell.

I began the next day. At first I could not even open the blessed phial. My hands shook as I fixed the needle. I was nervous yet dead certain that I would do it. I did it!!! :)

My blood count shot up in that cycle. Dr Rao laughed. I announced that I had administered the injections myself. “Now I know the reason for such a blood count!” He said. He reduced the number of injections to five.

I rang up my mum, I rang up Mithu, my sister and I rang up my friend Nita. I blew my trumpet and told them of my achievement! But that was not enough. During my last round of chemo therapy, my surgeon, Dr. Sahni walked into the chemo room to say “Hello!” to me. I always love chatting with him, so how could I deny myself my moment of glory? I needed to show off to him too!

And now, whether you have or haven’t realized, I need to show off to you too! So here goes a post on my blog “I GIVE MYSELF INJECTIONS!! AHEM!!! ":)


  1. Sarbari You are a rockstar!!! Keep Rockin !!

  2. My, my ...I am REALLY impressed!!! Good for you!Harsh is too....once he was trying to give himself a shot at home and all i had to do was pinch the flesh around to make it easier for him...I almost passed out...though I enjoyed the opportunity to pinch him for legitimate reasons! Speak to you soon!Love...Ritu

  3. Show off all you want - you've every right to -well done !

  4. Did you give yourself a double shot to make your blood count shoot up? Maybe next time it will be a triple dose and Dr Rao will cut back the days to 2. Lets hope he doesn't read this blog and make you go back to the nurse. But jokes aside, I take my hat off to you for giving yourself a shot, I can never look at a needle going into me,leave alone administer it. You go girl.

  5. Hey Thanks!! I am bursting with pride!!:)

  6. am glad you finally accepted the fact that you are SUCH a show off!!:p

  7. You're not a show off, you are a brave girl !

  8. very well written mashi.. i can understand the pain and the suffering you are going through.. but dont worry, everything will be fine. God is there to protect all of us. hope you r doing fine now..

    your blog is very interesting.. i like your style of writing.. :)
    bhalo theko.

  9. I always knew that you are extraordinary,special,brave,courageous,out standing in all that you do(even taking injections)!!

  10. Hey Shayon! Thanx for reading the blog. I write it because it keeps me going! Do keep posting your comments!:)

  11. Hey Sharbari
    Thats brave...I mean the injection part.Coz i am such a chicken...turn away when they take a blood sample also.And man u can write!

  12. Hey shailesh sweetie! When you have the adrenalin flowing, you can do just about anything...even taking injections!!:)
