Sunday, August 15, 2010


What do you think would be the price of nectar of the blue lotus? My medicine Herceptin is the nectar of the blue lotus. Of course I am exaggerating a wee bit.

It was a jumbo chemo therapy that I went through on Thursday, 5th of August! The Taxol took 3 hours and Herceptin 1 hour. To add to this there was a pre medication of 30 minutes and a post medication of another 30 minutes… 5 hours!!! By the time the ordeal ended, I was six feet underground.
But that is a different story. Let me not digress.

Herceptin has no visible side effect, or at least I have not felt any as yet. But I am told that it effects the pumping of the heart. It is for this reason that I need to undergo an Echo Cardiogram every 3 months. My vodka plays mysterious tricks on me but the nectar of the blue lotus makes my heart bleed!

Herceptin is a drug made and distributed by an American biotechnology company called GENENTECH and it costs a fortune! Before I tell you any more about my bleeding heart, you must read what I read in the internet. I have only copied and condensed the relevant portions.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Trastuzumab (INN; trade name Herceptin) Trastuzumab is an antibody that binds selectively to the HER2 protein. This increases the survival of people with cancer.
The original studies of trastuzumab showed that it improved survival in late-stage (metastatic) breast cancer, but there is controversy over whether trastuzumab is effective in earlier stage breast cancer. Trastuzumab is also controversial because of its cost, as much as $100,000 per year
One of the significant complications of trastuzumab is its effect on the heart. Trastuzumab is associated with cardiac dysfunction in 2-7% of cases. As a result, regular cardiac screening with either a MUGA scan or echocardiography is commonly undertaken during the trastuzumab treatment period.
The risk of cardiomyopathy is increased when trastuzumab is combined with anthracycline chemotherapy (which itself is associated with cardiac toxicity).
Few reporters have questioned the pricing of this drug but when asked, Genentech refuses to give details to explain the high costs.

I heard what you just thought, “Of course, her heart would bleed!! Poor thing!!” You are so right!

The drug that I so desperately need to make me stay alive (not kicking, mind you!) is controversial not only because nobody knows at what stage of cancer it is effective, but also because it is so criminally expensive! Every time that I need to take an intravenous injection of Herceptin, it costs us anything between INR 1lakh, 18 thousand to INR 1 lakh, 25 thousand depending on the exchange rate for that day!! That is not even taking into account the usual hospital charges. Isn’t that preposterous?

Now, hold your breath! The High Maintenance Me needs 18 such Herceptin injections. I know that you would not dare to calculate, but would you send a word to God to remind Him that Pradipta and Sarbari Sen are just upper middle class average Indians who work hard to earn their bread and butter? Would you?

Do read the last 4 lines of my research, even if you did not feel like reading the rest of it. The delicious nectar causes a “risk of cardiac dysfunction”!! Oh my my!! Of course it does, Genentech!! It makes my poor little delirious heart bleed. I definitely do not need to wait for the dysfunction!

After the chemo therapy, when Pradipta’s credit card is swiped, it yelps ”Oops!”. Genentech cries out “Yipeeeeeee!”, my heart leaks a few drops of blood and I groan ”Oh why Genentech? Why ?”


  1. Thank God that you will surely get well.Nothing is as precious as YOU!So, don't you worry.I can understand why your heart bleeds,but it is all for the best.Have a HEART...Herceptin!

  2. Money comes and money goes, I can surely see why your heart bleeds but don't worry about tomorrow.
    Matthew 6.34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own".

    Yesterday is history,
    Tomorrow is a mystery,
    Today is a gift, thats why its called "the present". So open todays gift like a "present".
    Love, Ena

  3. Yes Mithu! you are right! it is for the I keep hoping!

  4. Hey Ena! Thanks for the lovely lines! I love reading them! they give a lot of strength!!

  5. The cost of the medication is really criminal- these drug companies should sued for daylight robbery. As if people dont have enough to worry about when they're ill and in hospital - the bills would be bound to give any average person a cardiac arrest! I suppose your friend Ena's lines are true. Hope your getting better by the day.

  6. I loved what Ena has said. Do not worry about tomorrow, God will take care of it when that tomorrow comes. Start each day afresh like a gift from God and face the challenges. We are born fighters. He has given us the gift of life and all our material wealth also belongs to Him. He gives and He takes it back when ever and which ever way He wants. You are more precious to Pradipta than all the money in the world. Love you for being so positive and so brave...come on fight back and be a winner !

  7. Hey Shireen, Anjali! Thanks for your lovely comments! It feels so good to know that I can share my thoughts with people who care! Thanks for reading the blog and thanks for the encouragement!

  8. So, where are all the insurance companies when you need them? You are such a braveheart and inspiring soul. I am blessed to read your words. Keep marching my dear friend and I have no doubt you will overcome this too.

  9. luv u my babydoll....ur just the epitomy of strength! my prayers are always fr u sweetz!

  10. Dear Sarbari, I have read all of your blogs and am so moved and impressed by your sense of humor, your way with words, and your sharp insights, not to mention your exemplary strength of spirit. I am so proud to have been your classmate once!! I hope our collective thoughts and prayers will move and shake the universe to be on your side!

  11. Hey Nandini, Prabh, Neepa! I don't know if I am brave or not, but I do know that I would like to add life to the years God has given me! Much love to all of you:)

  12. Dear Sarbari, I read your blog again and am amazed at the way you have made your big problem sound so small.I knew you were a strong nut but this optimism is comemndable and exemplary for all of us who chant "why me" for the smallest of problems. Keep it up buddy.

  13. Hey Madhu dear!! Hard nuts like you are with me all the time!!!! How can I not be strong??? Thanx for being there!!

  14. Money is nothing compared to you. I am sure Meshomoshai would gladly give you 100 doses of Herceptin if it meant that he could keep you with him for a long long time. YOU are priceless, and the money is just the means to a very important end. So save your heart for worthier causes. Love u.


  15. Dear Reeni! Thanks for the comment dear! It bothers me to go for Herceptin each time!!!That is really the truth!
