Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I read about a French form of art called the “Marouflage” in the Delhi Times of Friday, 20th August. I read that horses play a prominent role in this form of art. Though my knowledge of art is rather limited, I am not a complete philistine. I am quite capable of appreciating a beautiful Cave Painting of early man as well as a fine Islamic or Renaissance painting.

Although I am not a connoisseur of contemporary art, I realize that “tattoos” and “nail art” are the hot favorites among many today. The thought of tattoos scares me because of the pain involved in such an art form. I much prefer to see the colorful nail art. But my special form of art is the “chemo art”.

You wonder what “chemo art” is? It is something specially reserved for the Gods’ chosen few! Now, now, now! Do not be jealous! Let me tell you about it. After the first couple of rounds of chemo therapy, I noticed that my finger nails were becoming dark, almost brownish. I asked Dr Ranga Rao about it. He gave me a knowing smile and said that it was a side effect of the chemo drugs. Now that I have completed all 8 rounds of chemo therapy, let me assure you, my nails look utterly stunning!! :)

My toe nails are polka dotted with small black spots and not half as exotic as my finger nails! The finger nails have beautiful white horizontal lines and look perfectly striped!! The two thumb nails are gorgeous and maroon with pretty white streaks. I exhibited the 20 exotic nails to Dr. Rao. He consoled me and said, “Don’t you worry, they will all get back to normal in 6 weeks time!”

I thought to myself, “Me worried? Goodness gracious, no! I am not worried!” As for you, you better not think, “Poor her!” of me either! Let me assure you, I am infinitely proud of my pretty nails and vouch to flaunt them as long as they last. Move over nail art, my “chemo art” nails are enviable!! :-))


  1. Did you know, that girls go to the beauty parlour to have their nails striped!That's the fashion!!Be proud of your nails...I am sure they look gorgeous!

  2. Enjoy your pretty nails for 6 weeks. I too change my nail polish every 6 weeks but never been able to get such pretty designs. Take care.

  3. Amazing nails !! People pay good money to have them made up to look like yours ! Good luck with the radiation...hope it all goes well!

  4. Hey Beautiful, does this mean that in 6 weeks your hair will grow back? YAY.
    BTW, I do love your sense of humour.

  5. দিয়ার মাসি,
    খুব ভালো লাঘ্লো পড়েইন তোমার নতুন পোস্ট তাহ. মনেহয়্ছে, তুমি নিজের নখ গুলোর নতুন পাত্তের্ন () তাহ ভালো লেগেগেছে. যাই হোক, তোমার রাদিয়াতীয়ন তাহ যেন ভালো করে হয়ে যায়ে.

    anywayz. ur blog makes a good reading with a good sense of humour regarding the nails. :)

  6. Hey Everybody!! Dats why I said my nails are enviable!! @ Anurag, Nice way of posting comments dear!

  7. Hey Ena! Hope my hair will start growing back in 6 weeks!! Till then it is my special status!!:)

  8. Hey my nails just dont last and get chipped as soon as Im back from the parlour...enjoy your french nails my dear french teacher!!! Take care.

  9. See, that's the positive attitude I was talking about!
    Simply astounding! You rock! haha :)
    Take Care :)

  10. hey, listen, ask the kids to click while you flash your snazzy nails. The really, tight close up variety, mind you. We may want to take a look when we doll up for our Goa trip next year. wil probably pay a bomb to get them done, but so what? :)

  11. HI Sarbari,
    what a brave lady i am so in awe..
    but i needed to get in touch with you as i feel that you should also be writing for our magazine. its all about Simba and many more like him.
    Do share your personal id with me ..
    would also like to send across a few of the editions. I am sure you will enjoy reading them..
