Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I almost look like Mona Lisa nowadays! Of course I don’t have the enigmatic smile! I cannot even fake that smile. I can either smile from ear to ear or I can laugh.

Other than that, I am quite like Mona Lisa. My eyebrows are almost non existent…may be about 15 strands on one side and 20 on the other. In fact, let me tell you a secret…I can count my eyelashes and the fine hair inside my nostrils has completely gone! Hence every time I practice yoga, my nostrils stick to the nose till I blow them out!!

I have been tying various bandanas on my bald head for months now and I thought that I would go in for a more fashionable look. I decided to place an order for a wig. Though not as fancy as a multi colored one or anything as exotic as that, mine is a nice dark haired thing! I tried and retried it at the wig makers’ shop and returned home wearing it rather shyly. I thought I looked fairly chic in it. But who cares about what I thought? Simba did not agree with me at all! He jumped up and down to sniff the wig and growled. “Stop behaving like an idiot, Simba and don’t spoil the wig!” I growled back.

Silly smart Simba smelt the wig and knew that it was not “me”. He did not like me to wear it. He growled and growled incessantly till I pulled it off my head in utter disgust. I thought that I would look pretty with the wig, but obviously Simba’s definition of “pretty” is enormously different from mine. He much prefers his bald mama, smelling of her usual self rather than of some unfamiliar beauty!

So what if Pradipta, Diya and Tisham feel that I look good with the wig on, Simba barks to differ. The precious head piece is carefully stashed away in the wardrobe waiting for a special occasion when I shall place it on my perfect egg. It may begin to smell of me by then and Simba may approve of it….who knows. I must wait and see!


  1. Simba finds you beautiful with / without it because you are beautiful from within. A beautiful soul does not need external beauty to be recognised. You are both brave and beautiful. Your wig should be stacked away and used only when you meet people who don't know how beautiful you really are !

  2. I love the title of this one. Simba does not care about how you look on the exterior. Its a lot like how God sees us too.
    Psalm 139/13-16
    "For You created my inmost being, You knitted me together in my mother's womb, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was woven together, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be".
    So always remember that you were wonderfully made, with hair or without,
    The Psalms are littered with verses about how God sees our true self and not the exterior. Its only humans who put a benchmark on beauty as we perceive beauty to be.

  3. Hi didi, we are all sure that Simba cares and loves you too much, we all do the same...don't you worry about that.There is no doubt about the fact that you look wonderful in your wig.I just want to see you in it!

  4. really really moved by your courage and strength, thank goodness for bravehearts like you to inspire others in the world

  5. What a way of teaching the world! I have been reading all your blogs and have to say ....Please don't stop sharing your experiences and your inner realization as you are doing in your inimicable style. Simple words filled with casual humour....but breathtaking in import! The reader has no choice but to feel peace within and say "May You Be Blessed".

  6. My precious - sweet Khukhu ma. I sobbed after reading your blogs, but now I am proud of you. Let the train run with vigour and peace to inspire others - whp are suffering like you. Our Madhob will bless and bring happiness to you.

    Love Ma.

    P.S - Didam has commented from my account.

  7. <3 dont worry... i know u look gr8 wid the wig!ofcourse...u'll have 2 wear d wig 2 make it smell
    of u! ;D

  8. Dear Ma! you should not cry! We all need to celebrate each day because each day is a blessing!

  9. Hey Everybody!Thanks for your lovely encouraging comments! God bless you all!

  10. Thank you for sharing your insights with the world... each post is an inspiration and it is an honour to read your perspectives on so many things.

    Truly, some of the greatest blessings lie in places we don't always look in :) but it's wonderful when we discover them! Thank you for letting us follow you as you learn from your life's path and for teaching us along the way. Keep smiling!

  11. heyy mon cherie that was me....prabha!

  12. Hey vir! Thanks dear! Hurdles in life teach us to value small pleasures and see them as blessings, isn't it?

  13. dear sarbari,
    i am kamaljeet, known to ur sis sagori. u are a Braveheart. my foot infection ssems such a trivia after reading ur blog. i have not seen u but imagine u to be a really beautiful person who teaches to accept with grace all that God bestows on us. u seem to have such depth that u would put an ocean to shame. courage can make life worth living. i really appreciate ur sense of humour. i feel enriched to have had access to ur blog.i will b reading u regularly. lots of love

  14. Dear Kamaljeet, I am honoured and delighted that you have read my blog and have taken the trouble to post your comment.:)) I have truly started believing that each day of life is a blessing and we all live in a world full of angels. Much love.
