Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Simba is my baby. He is 22 months old and is such a clown! He is a big golden Labrador who has gorgeous kohl lined eyes and an exceptionally keen eye sight. He has small ears but a sharp sense of hearing and has a long dark snout but is quite useless at sniffing. Now, can you believe that? Labradors are supposed to be sniffers, but no, not our dear junglee Simba!

I was petrified of him when he first came into the family. Pradipta held him in the crook of his arm and brought him in. Diya and Pradipta, being dog lovers were mesmerized by him. Tisham and I were far from it. The same evening the little fellow was unwell and needed to be rushed to the vet. We were told that he had chest congestion and unless well cared for, would not survive. Pradipta and Diya took care of him. That was when Tisham named him Simba, the Lion King.

It was one winter morning that the little fellow crept between Tisham’s feet as he sat at the table, that Tisham gave his heart to him. I took the longest, insisting that I did not want to have anything to do with the tiny pup.

One day Tisham took me to task and told me that little Simba had left his mum and family to be with us, and there I was not taking care of him, not caressing him!! I felt guilty and decided that come what may, I would learn to look after Simba. I started feeding him, and training him to go the toilet just as I had done for Diya and Tisham. The tiny fellow began to learn and would come and tell me when he wanted to pee or potty.

You do understand that all this bonding was strictly out of a feeling of guilt? As he grew, he was up to the most annoying things! My perfect home would be in a clutter when I returned from school. As he was teething, he gnawed a door post and chewed up a considerable bit. Much of the furniture was also chewed up. Once a TV remote was broken in bits and some portions of it showed up in his poop. Not much was spared; from plants to garments, to shoes, to fish food to pigeon droppings and even his own poop!! :) That was our Simba growing up!

While all these catastrophic events were raging in the house, quite unknowingly, I fell in love with this menace!

Today, this huge little fellow hates to see anything out of place at home. It upsets him to see anybody pluck a flower and he growls. He runs around the apartment playing “catching” or ‘fetching the ball” while wriggling and dodging furniture. He does not drop a single object! His entire hide wags when he wags his tail in utmost glee!

Every time that I return home after my chemo therapy, Simba knows that I am unwell. He does not disturb me in the least and does not lick me. He keeps sleeping next to my bed. I marvel at his sensitivity. Who taught him, I wonder.

Simba’s command over the English language extends to 10 words: apart from the usual “stay”, “sit”, “go”, “fetch” and “salute”, he is beside himself with excitement when he hears “doggie”, ”squirrel”, “pigeon”, “plane” and “bye”! He communicates with me in chaste Bengali while I have become quite a master in dog language!

The big brat, Simba Sen is the master of the family. His unconditional love overwhelms us. He makes us laugh. We adore the menace! :)


  1. I know that you have become a real dog lover!We must all thank Simba for this.He has bought out another trait in you.When Diya and Tisham are not there,I know he is your best friend.

  2. You are absolutely right, Mithu! He is walking joy!:)

  3. Loved this one Sarbari ! I'm really really scared of dogs specially big ones but after reading about Simba I've got a different view altogether. I have fallen in love with him !

  4. This post reminds me so much of my walk with Charlie, I was never a dog lover until we got Charlie Christmas 2009 and now I have another facet of life to enjoy. I am patiently waiting for the day Charlie will follow Simba's example and not chew anything and not grab things (like clothes I am about to put on) and run away. What Charlie has made me realize is a dog holds no grudges and his sole existence is to give you joy, you are his master and he will forever be loyal to you.
    With a wet lick from Charlie, bye for now and good to know you have recovered from your last round of chemo.

  5. the pic's really cute!

  6. Hey Anj! U must meet the big little fool! He can spot good people like you from miles!!

  7. Hey Ena! Thank Charlie for the wet lick and give him a big hug!! Luv him!!:)

  8. THanx Shraddha dear! THe junglee was modelling!:)

  9. His antics are straight out of Marley & Me.I have promised my kids a dog on their 13th bday but still not looking fwd to it. Reading about simba & you makes me feel there's still hope for me to become a dog lover instead of just a dog owner.

  10. Hey Rakhee! I am not sure whether I am a dog lover or not, but I am definitely nuts about Simba!! Yes, he is as much a smart idiot as Marley!

  11. hey thats a good intro to that mad hatter!but how sensitive animals can be is amazing!simba represents unconditional love and loyalty. sunanda
